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Slack integration command descriptions#

Below is the description of the commands of the GREEN-API application.

Application commands#

Command Usage Description
add /greenapi add [IDInstance] [APITokenInstance] Adds an instance to the Slack channel
remove /greenapi remove [IDInstance] Removes an instance from the Slack channel
start /greenapi start [IDInstance] Initiates the receipt of notifications. Setting up the configuration may take up to 5 minutes. During this time, you will not receive messages.
stop /greenapi stop [IDInstance] Halts the receipt of notifications. Setting up the configuration may take up to 5 minutes.
help /greenapi help Provides a brief description of each command
/greenapi help [command] Provides a brief description of the specified command

Variants of standard application responses#

Response variants Description Solution
Unknown command Unknown command Verify the correctness of the command input
There are too few arguments Insufficient instance values Enter instance values completely
InstanceError: Invalid account details. Incorrect instance values Verify the correctness of the instance values
InstanceError: The instance had already been added. Instance has already been added to the channel Start receiving messages
InstanceError: The instance was not found. Instance is not added to the channel or does not exist Add the instance to the channel or verify the correctness of the instance values
This instance is running at this time. You need to stop the instance to remove it. The instance is running and cannot be removed. Stop receiving notifications. Wait for 5 minutes. Remove the instance

Examples of using application commands#

Usage of the command /greenapi add [IDInstance] [APITokenInstance] add



Usage of the command /greenapi remove [IDInstance] remove



Usage of the command /greenapi start [IDInstance] start



Usage of the command /greenapi stop [IDInstance] stop



Usage of the command /greenapi help help



Usage of the command /greenapi help [command] help-command

