How to send files#
MS Excel Max Integration version 2.0
To send files, follow these steps:
1. Getting started#
- Open the
API Methods
window and fill in theParameters
tab according to the instruction

- Go to the
Send files

2. Fill in the columns:#

When collapsing a table, the entered data may be reset. This is a feature of MS Excel, we recommend that when filling in data, you collapse not the table, but the browser.
Column C - Chat ID (Client number)#
The cells in this column indicate the numbers of the message recipients.
- To send to a personal number, specify chatID (phone number in international format)
- To send to a group, specify groupID.
How to quickly export contacts from an account?
To automatically export contacts to the table:
1. Open the API Methods
2. Open the Send Files
3. In the Upload Contacts
cell, select the required option:
- "All Contacts" - all account contacts (groups and personal chats) will be uploaded to the table
- "Personal Chats" - all account personal chats will be uploaded to the table (groups will not be uploaded)
- "Groups" - all account groups will be uploaded to the table (personal chats will not be uploaded)
- "Previously Had a Chat" - all contacts with whom there was correspondence will be uploaded to the table
- "Saved" - all contacts saved in the account's contact book will be uploaded to the table
4. Click the Export Contacts

Column D - Chat ID (personal, group)#
Filled in to determine whether the ID in the cell on the left is personal or group.
- If personal number is specified on the left, then write personal in the cell
- If group is specified on the left, then write group in the cell

Column E - Url file#
Link to the file being sent.
How do I get a link to a file?
To get a link to a file, click the API Methods
button and open the Parameters
sheet. At the bottom of the window, click the Upload file

After selecting a file from the device, the Completed
window will appear. Click Copy link
to copy the received file address.

Paste the link into the cell of column E - File Link
The maximum size of files sent is 100 MB.
List of file formats that are successfully sent and received via the API
Column F - File name with extension#
File name with its extension.
Examples: file.docx
/ photo.jpeg
/ picture.png
/ sheet.xlsx
/ voice.mp3
/ song.aac
Column G - Caption#
The column is not mandatory for sending files
The cells contain the text of the message being sent.
A line break in a cell is formatted with the \n symbol
Optional columns: A, B
- Column A - #
Filled in for clarity of the row serial number.
- Column B - User (Name, Email)
Filled in to identify the specified numbers by name, email or other data.

Enable number verification if necessary#
To check if a number has a WhatsApp account, open the API Methods
window and enable the Check number

The function only works for checking personal phone numbers and does not check the existence of groups.
For this reason, do not enable the checkbox when sending to groups or when sending to personal numbers and groups on the same sheet.
After sending messages, you will receive the status {"existsWhatsapp":false}
or {"existsWhatsapp":true}
- means that the number does not have a WhatsApp account or there is an error in the number;true
- means that the number has a WhatsApp account.
3. Start sending#
After filling in all the required cells, open the API Methods
window on the Send Files
page and click the Start mailing

After starting sending, columns G, H will start filling in each row.
If number verification is enabled, column F will also be filled in.
After sending is finished, a notification window will appear. Do not turn off the table until this window appears.

Possible errors
Fill in the instance parameters according to the instructions
The instance is not authorized. You need to connect the instance to your WhatsApp account
Check the correctness of the data entered in the table:
- The number shall be specified in international format
- There shall be no spaces or line breaks in column D. Only personal
or group
- The text shall be formatted according to rules
How to stop sending#
To stop sending, click Stop sending
on the Sending files

- To clear the queue of messages to send, click
Clear queue
on theSending files
page.We recommend clicking this button before starting the sending.

Column F - Availability of WhatsApp account
The cells indicate the presence/absence of a WhatsApp account on the number.
The function only works to check personal phone numbers and does not check the existence of groups.
For this reason, do not enable the checkbox when sending to groups or when sending to personal numbers and groups on the same sheet.
To perform a check when sending, check the checkbox in the API Methods
- Sending Files

Column G - Message Status#
The cells indicate the message status. Possible statuses:
Message sent
- the message was successfully sentMessage NOT sent
- the message was not sent
Column H - Response body (message id)#
Contains the message ID if sent successfully and a description of the problem if there was an error.
- In case of sending:
{"idMessage":"your message id"}
- In case of an error:
Whatsapp account missing
Message statistics#
To check the status, you need to enable notifications in your personal account.
It may take up to 5 minutes for the new settings to apply.

If the user has disabled the notification of reading messages, then you will not be able to find out whether the message has been read.
Open the API Methods
window and on the Sending Files
page, click the Message Status

Possible statuses:
- the message has been sentDelivered
- the message has been sentRead
- the message has been readMessage not found
- the message is in the sending queue or has been sent to a non-existent account
To update the statuses of sent messages, click the Update statistics

You can learn more about the statuses in our article "What are the message statuses in WhatsApp?"
How to delete sent messages#
To delete messages sent from the table:
- Open the
API Methods
window - Open the
Sending Files
page - Check the box next to the
Delete Messages
button - Click the
Delete Messages

After deleting, the "Done" window appears, and the message status changes to Message deleted

How to quickly clear a sheet#
To clear the current sheet:
- Open the
API Methods
window - Open the
Sending Files
page - Check the box next to the
Clear Table
button - Click
Clear table

After deleting, the "Done" window appears, and the message status changes to Message deleted

How to add contacts to a group#
To add numbers to a group
- Create a group from a device or via the API using the createGroup method
- Fill in column C - Chat ID (client number). The remaining columns can be left blank.

- Open the
API Methods
window - Open the
Send Files
page - Enter the ID of the created group in the
Group ID
field - Click the
Add to group

After adding is complete, the "Done" window appears

The H - Response Body column will show the result additions: