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How to text on WhatsApp first?#

There are several ways to send messages to WhatsApp without adding a number to contacts:

  1. Sending using a link with the number of the interlocutor
  2. Sending from the mobile app
  3. Sending via API

1. Generate a link with the number of the interlocutor#

It is required to generate a link in the format and paste it into the browser line


2. Sending from the mobile app#

  • Create a new chat.


  • In the search bar, enter the phone number of your interlocutor.


  • Click on the "chat" button to start a chat


3. Sending via API#

Use the send methods by specifying the number of your interlocutor in the chatId field in the format

phoneNumber — full phone number in international format.
Do not use zeros, brackets, or hyphens when entering a phone number in international format.