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Test Postman

The method is aimed for getting a list of the current account contacts.

Updating information about contacts can take up to 5 minutes.

If an empty data array is received - repeat the method call.


To get contacts, you have to execute a request at:


For apiUrl, idInstance and apiTokenInstance request parameters, refer to Before you start section.

URL request parameters#

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
group boolean No Specifying group=true only show groups
Specifying group=false will only show personal chats
If the parameter is missing, the full list of contacts is displayed
count integer No When specifying the number count={{number}}, the specified number of contacts is displayed
If there are fewer contacts than the specified number, then all contacts that match the query are displayed
If the parameter is missing, the full list of contacts is displayed

Request examples with parameters#

Get a list of groups for the current account:


Get a list of personal chats of the current account in a given quantity:



Response parameters#

Parameter Type Description
id string User or group chat Id
name string Contact name. Possible variants:
1) If there is incoming correspondence/reactions from the account, then we get the name from the WhatsApp profile
2) If there is no incoming correspondence/reactions from the account, then we get an empty line
contactName string Contact name from the phone book
type string Contact type. Possible variants:
user - contact belongs to a user
group - contact is a group chat

Response body example#

        "id": "",
        "name": "Ivan Petrov",
        "contactName": "Ivan Petorov Work",
        "type": "user"
        "id": "",
        "name": "Lyusya Sidorova",
        "contactName": "Liusya Sidorova Sewing Circle",
        "type": "user"
        "id": "",
        "name": "My group",  
        "type": "group"

GetContacts errors#

For a list of errors common to all methods, refer to Common errors section

HTTP code Error description Possible solutions
200 The getContacts method returns an empty array [] 1. Rescan the QR code.
2. Contact technical support.

Request examples#

import requests

url = "{{apiUrl}}/waInstance{{idInstance}}/getContacts/{{apiTokenInstance}}"

payload = {}
headers= {}

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data = payload)

curl --location '{{APIUrl}}/waInstance{{idInstance}}/getContacts/{{apiTokenInstance}}'
var restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
var requestUrl = new StringBuilder();

var response =, HttpMethod.GET, null, String.class);
var requestUrl = new StringBuilder();

var response = Unirest.get(requestUrl.toString())
    .header("Content-Type", "application/json")

Sub GetContacts()
    Dim url As String
    Dim http As Object
    Dim response As String

    ' The apiUrl, idInstance and apiTokenInstance values are available in console, double brackets must be removed
    url = "{{apiUrl}}/waInstance{{idInstance}}/GetContacts/{{apiTokenInstance}}"

    Set http = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")

    http.Open "GET", url, False

    response = http.responseText

    Debug.Print response

    ' Outputting the answer to the desired cell
    Range("A1").Value = response

    Set http = Nothing
End Sub