The method is aimed for sending a text message to a personal or a group chat. The message will be added to the send queue. Linked device not required when sending. Messages will be kept for 24 hours in the queue until instance will be authorized. The rate at which messages are sent from the queue is managed by Message sending delay parameter.
Video instruction#
Sending a message to yourself
When sending messages to your number or to a group with one participant, status of the message will be sent
(one tick).
To send a text message, you have to execute a request at:
For apiUrl
, idInstance
and apiTokenInstance
request parameters, refer to Before you start section.
Request parameters#
Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Description |
chatId | string | Yes | Chat Id |
message | string | Yes | Message text. Emoji 😃 characters supported. Requires UTF-8 encoding without BOM |
quotedMessageId | string | No | Quoted message Id. If present, the message will be sent quoting the specified chat message. Quoting a message is only possible from the same chat to which it is sent. To send messages from another chat, use the ForwardMessages method |
linkPreview | boolean | No | The parameter includes displaying a preview and a description of the link. Enabled by default. Accepts values: true/false Link preview will not be added if it is more than 2MB |
The maximum length of a text message is 20000 characters.
Text formatting should be done in accordance with the rules, specified in our article.
Quoting messages
For the message quoting mechanism to work correctly, the system must know about the message that will be quoted. You can make sure that the message is available for quoting by requesting the journaling method getMessage, if the message is not in the system, then it is impossible to quote such a message.
To quote incoming messages, you must enable the setting
Receive notifications about incoming messages and files
. -
To quote outgoing messages sent from a phone, enable the setting
Receive notifications about messages sent from a phone
This way, the messages will get into the system and they can be quoted. You can set up the settings using the SetSettings method or through your personal account.
Request body example#
Sending a message to a personal chat:
"chatId": "",
"message": "I use Green-API to send this message to you!"
Sending a message to a group chat:
"chatId": "",
"message": "I use Green-API to send this message to you!"
Sending a quoted message:
"chatId": "79876543210@с.us",
"message": "I use Green-API to send this message to you!",
"quotedMessageId": "361B0E63F2FDF95903B6A9C9A102F34B"
Response parameters#
Parameter | Type | Description |
idMessage | string | Sent message Id |
Response body example#
"idMessage": "3EB0C767D097B7C7C030"
SendMessage errors#
For a list of errors common to all methods, refer to Common errors section
HTTP code | Error identifier | Description |
400 | Bad Request Validation failed | Validation error |
400 | Validation failed. Details: 'message' length must be less than or equal to 20000 characters long | The message text must be less than or equal to 20 000 characters |
500 | request entity too large | Json length exceeded (>100kb) |
Sending with invalid Quoted message ID
If the quotedMessageId
is specified incorrectly, the system will return code 200 and the id of the message, but it will not be delivered to the recipient.
Request examples#
import requests
url = "{{apiUrl}}/waInstance{{idInstance}}/sendMessage/{{apiTokenInstance}}"
payload = {
"chatId": "",
"message": "I use Green-API to send this message to you!"
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
response =, json=payload, headers=headers)
//The apiUrl, idInstance and apiTokenInstance values are available in console, double brackets must be removed
$url = '{{apiUrl}}/waInstance{{idInstance}}/sendMessage/{{apiTokenInstance}}';
//chatId is the number to send the message to ( for private chats, for group chats)
$data = array(
'chatId' => '',
'message' => 'Hello World'
$options = array(
'http' => array(
'header' => "Content-Type: application/json\r\n",
'method' => 'POST',
'content' => json_encode($data)
$context = stream_context_create($options);
$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
echo $response;
curl --location '{{apiUrl}}/waInstance{{idInstance}}/sendMessage/{{apiTokenInstance}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"chatId": "",
"message": "Hello World"
var restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
var requestUrl = new StringBuilder();
var headers = new HttpHeaders();
var jsonBody = "{\r\n\t\"chatId\": \"\",\r\n\t\"message\": \"I use Green-API to send this message to you!\"\r\n}";
var requestEntity = new HttpEntity<>(jsonBody, headers);
var response =, HttpMethod.POST, requestEntity, String.class);
var requestUrl = new StringBuilder();
var response =
.header("Content-Type", "application/json")
.body("{\r\n\t\"chatId\": \"\",\r\n\t\"message\": \"I use Green-API to send this message to you!\"\r\n}")
Sub SendMessage()
Dim URL As String
Dim RequestBody As String
Dim http As Object
' The apiUrl, idInstance and apiTokenInstance values are available in console, double brackets must be removed
URL = "{{apiUrl}}/waInstance{{idInstance}}/sendMessage/{{apiTokenInstance}}"
' chatId is the number to send the message to ( for private chats, for group chats)
RequestBody = "{""chatId"":"""",""message"":""Hello World""}"
Set http = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
With http
.Open "POST", URL, False
.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
.send RequestBody
End With
Set http = Nothing
End Sub
program sendMessage;
System.Classes, System.Net.HttpClient, System.Net.URLClient, System.Net.HttpClientComponent;
HttpClient: TNetHTTPClient;
RequestBody: TStringStream;
RequestHeaders: TNetHeaders;
Response: IHTTPResponse;
ID_INSTANCE := '110100001';
API_TOKEN_INSTANCE := 'd75b3a66374942c5b3c019c698abc2067e151558acbd451234';
EndpointURL := '' + ID_INSTANCE + '/sendMessage/' + API_TOKEN_INSTANCE;
HttpClient := TNetHTTPClient.Create(nil);
RequestBody := TStringStream.Create('{ "chatId": "", "message": "test" }', TEncoding.UTF8);
RequestHeaders := [
TNetHeader.Create('Content-Type', 'application/json')
Response := HTTPClient.Post(EndpointURL, RequestBody, nil, RequestHeaders);
if Response.StatusCode = 200 then
Writeln('[Response]: ' + Response.ContentAsString)
Writeln('[ERROR ' + IntToStr(Response.StatusCode) + ']:' + Response.StatusText + '' + Response.ContentAsString);
on E: Exception do
Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message);