Message sent via API#
The format of a message, sent via API, is the same as for an outgoing message, and Incoming webhooks type takes on the value outgoingAPIMessageReceived
Configuring an instance
To receive incoming notifications about messages sent via API, you need to enable the settings using one of the following options:
Through console enable the settings
Get notifications about messages sent from API
(optionalGet notifications about outgoing messages sending/delivering/reading statuses
to receive notifications about the statuses of the sent message). -
Through the SetSettings method enable the settings
(optionaloutgoing Webhook
to receive notifications about sent message statuses). -
To receive notifications about deleting or editing a message, you need to additionally enable the
Webhook body example#
"typeWebhook": "outgoingAPIMessageReceived",
"instanceData": {
"idInstance": 7103000000,
"wid": "",
"typeInstance": "whatsapp"
"timestamp": 1588091580,
"idMessage": "F7AEC1B7086ECDC7E6E45923F5EDB825",
"senderData": {
"chatId": "",
"sender": "",
"chatName": "Jane",
"senderName": "John",
"senderContactName": "John Doe"
// Depending on typeMessage = textMessage || imageMessage || videoMessage || documentMessage || audioMessage || locationMessage || contactMessage || extendedTextMessage || pollMessage || editedMessage || deletedMessage