Incoming messages#
This section describes the general format of incoming webhooks with the incomingMessageReceived
type. Description of all incoming webhooks types is given in Incoming webhooks types section.
The system provides for receiving notifications about incoming messages of the below types:
- Incoming text message
- Incoming buttons message
- Incoming template buttons message
- Incoming selection list message
- Incoming text message with URL
- Incoming image, video, audio, document message
- Incoming location message
- Incoming contact message
- Incoming message with an array of contacts
- Incoming quoted message
- Incoming message with sticker
- Incoming message-reaction
- Incoming message with an invitation to the group
- Incoming poll message
- Incoming poll update message
- Incoming edited message
- Incoming deleted message
incomingMessageReceived webhook parameters#
Parameter | Type | Description |
typeWebhook | string | Incoming webhook type. For a webhook of this type, the paramaeter takes on the value incomingMessageReceived |
instanceData | object | Instance data |
timestamp | integer | Event timestamp in UNIX format |
idMessage | string | Incoming message Id |
senderData | object | Message or file sender data |
messageData | object | Received message or file data |
object parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
idInstance | integer | Instance Id. The size of the integer is int64. Values range include from 1 to 10 digits |
wid | string | Account Id in WhatsApp format |
typeInstance | string | Instance messenger type |
object parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
chatId | string | Chat Id, where a message or file has been received |
sender | string | Message or file sender Id |
chatName | string | chat name |
senderName | string | Sender name |
senderContactName | string | Sender name according to the contact list of the current account |
object parameters#
object has different parameters depending on incoming webhook type:
- Incoming text message
- Incoming text message with URL
- Incoming image, video, audio, document message
- Incoming location message
- Incoming contact message
- Incoming message with an array of contacts
- Incoming quoted message
- Incoming message with sticker
- Incoming message-reaction
- Incoming message with an invitation to the group
- Incoming poll message
- Incoming poll update message
Webhook body example#
"typeWebhook": "incomingMessageReceived",
"instanceData": {
"idInstance": 7103000000,
"wid": "",
"typeInstance": "whatsapp"
"timestamp": 1588091580,
"idMessage": "F7AEC1B7086ECDC7E6E45923F5EDB825",
"senderData": {
"chatId": "",
"sender": "",
"chatName": "John",
"senderName": "John",
"senderContactName": "John Doe"
// Depending on typeMessage = textMessage || imageMessage || videoMessage || documentMessage || audioMessage || locationMessage || contactMessage || extendedTextMessage || quotedMessage || pollMessage || pollUpdateMessage || editedMessage || deletedMessage