Incoming selection list message#
This section describes messageData
object incoming webhook format for selection list incoming message. For a description of the general format of incoming webhooks, refer to Incoming messages section.
To get incoming webhooks of this type, two conditions must be true:
= incomingMessageReceived
= listMessage
Configuring an instance
To receive incoming notifications about list messages, you need to enable the settings using one of the following options:
Through console enable the setting
Get notifications about incoming messages and files
Through the SetSettings method enable the setting
Webhook parameters#
object parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
typeMessage | string | incoming webhook type. For messages of this type the parameter takes on the value listMessage |
listMessage | object | List data object |
quotedMessage | object | Quoted message data object. Present only if the message itself is a quote |
data object
Parameter | Type | Description |
contentText | string | Buttons body text message |
title | string | No |
footer | string | Buttons footer text message |
buttonText | string | No |
sections | array | Yes |
isForwarded | boolean | Whether the message is forwarded, takes on values true/false |
forwardingScore | integer | Number of message forwards |
array parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
title | string | Selection list title |
rows | array | Selection list values |
array parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
title | string | List value text |
rowId | string | List value identifier |
description | string | List value description |
object parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
stanzaId | string | Quoted message id |
participant | string | Quoted message sender's id |
typeMessage | string | Quoted message type |
The rest of the fields are filled depending on the type of the quoted message and are identical to the fields of incoming messages described in Incoming messages section
Webhook body example#
"typeWebhook": "incomingMessageReceived",
"instanceData": {
"idInstance": 7103000000,
"wid": "",
"typeInstance": "whatsapp"
"timestamp": 1588091580,
"idMessage": "F7AEC1B7086ECDC7E6E45923F5EDB825",
"senderData": {
"chatId": "",
"sender": "",
"chatName": "John",
"senderName": "John",
"senderContactName": "John Doe"
"messageData": {
"typeMessage": "listMessage",
"listMessage": {
"contentText": "Hello",
"title": "title",
"footer": "Hello",
"buttonText": "Action list",
"sections": [
"title": "Section 1",
"rows": [
"title": "Option 1",
"rowId": "option1"
"title": "Option 2",
"rowId": "option2",
"description": "Clarification"
"title": "Section 2",
"rows": [
"title": "Option 3",
"rowId": "option3"
"title": "Option 4",
"rowId": "option4",
"description": "Clarification"
"forwardingScore": 4,
"isForwarded": true