Rate limiter#
The system is aimed to prevent incorrect use of the API. Requests made with frequency higher than indicated in the table will be rejected with error 429. The values apply to each instance.
You can execute 500 requests in total without getting error 429 for 10 instances, each of which executes 50 SendMessage method requests.
If you execute 51 SendMessage method requests on one of the instances, the 51st request will be rejected with error 429. At the same time, all the rest instances will continue to execute requests without getting the error.
Allowed number of requests#
Method | Requests per second |
getSettings | 1 |
setSettings | 1 |
getStateInstance | 1 |
getStatusInstance | 1 |
reboot | 1 |
logout | 1 |
qr | 3 |
scanQrCode | 1 |
setProfilePicture | 0,1 |
getWaSettings | 1 |
sendFileByUpload | 50 |
receiveNotification | 100 |
deleteNotification | 100 |
downloadFile | 5 |
getChatHistory | 1 |
getMessage | 10 |
lastIncomingMessages | 1 |
lastOutgoingMessages | 1 |
createGroup | 1 |
updateGroupName | 1 |
getGroupData | 1 |
addGroupParticipant | 10 |
removeGroupParticipant | 10 |
setGroupAdmin | 10 |
removeAdmin | 10 |
setGroupPicture | 1 |
leaveGroup | 10 |
readChat | 10 |
getDeviceInfo | 1 |
checkWhatsapp | 10 |
getAvatar | 10 |
getContacts | 1 |
getContactInfo | 1 |
editMessage | 1 |
deleteMessage | 10 |
archiveChat | 10 |
unarchiveChat | 10 |
setDisappearingChat | 1 |
sendMessage | 50 |
sendButtons | 50 |
sendTemplateButtons | 50 |
sendListMessage | 50 |
sendLocation | 50 |
sendLink | 50 |
sendContact | 50 |
sendFileByUrl | 50 |
sendPoll | 50 |
clearMessagesQueue | 1 |
showMessagesQueue | 1 |
sendTemplate | 50 |
forwardMessages | 50 |
deleteStatus | 10 |
getIncomingStatuses | 1 |
getOutgoingStatuses | 1 |
getStatusStatistic | 1 |
sendTextStatus | 5 |
sendVoiceStatus | 5 |
sendMediaStatus | 5 |